
A Person’s Medical History could give Important Details into Thoracic Spinal Injuries

Before a person can be treated for a thoracic spinal injury, a doctor has to diagnosis them with the trauma. It is important that if you believe you have suffered a spinal injury or have any of the following symptoms listed below to contact your doctor immediately. Treatment can greatly reverse the injury in many cases several hours have the trauma, a doctor affirmed.

A doctor will want to talk to the individual or family members to figure out if the person has had any recent trauma that could cause back problems. Falls, sport-related activities, vehicle accidents, and violence are the four most common causes of thoracic spinal injuries. A major car accident could cause more damage than just totaling a car. Head-on collisions or rollovers are mishaps doctors should know about. Accidents while on motorcycles, bicycles, and hit and runs could produce spinal injuries.

With thoracic spinal injuries, several symptoms will develop that a doctor needs to know about immediately. Even if the symptoms have disappeared or improved, your doctor will want to know about any tenderness or pain while moving. In addition, your doctor will ask about any numbness or tingling in the arms or legs. Speak up if you have any weird sensations in your legs. It is common for individuals who are completely paralyzed to have sensations in the anus or legs and even to move their legs, a study expresses.

Doctors will also be looking for any neurological changes caused by the thoracic spinal injury. Common chances in bodily functions include bladder or bowel dysfunction. Spinal cord injuries can affect the nerves from the brain to bladder and urethra causing abnormal changes in bladder and bowel movements. Changes could result in urine to be released without warning or the bladder to not be able to release the urine. These changes would result in an intermittent catheterization or indwelling catheter to help with the problem. A change in sensations of the perianal region or reproductive functions is also frequent. Reproductive problems in those with spinal injuries usually affect men more than women. It is possible for some people to still be able to have sex or get pregnant.

The doctor Nassau and Suffolk will also look into a person’s medical history to see if they have had previous trauma or spinal problems in the past. This will help the doctor be able to determine what the problem is and how best to address it.

When you are going through any spinal injuries, let a New York Spinal Injury Attorney look at your medical history. Talk to a NYC Spinal Injury Attorney today so that you can get the justice you deserve.

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