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New Scientific Model May Help Spinal Cord Injury Patients and Physicians


A new scientific model may help spinal cord injury specialists more quickly determine whether a patient has a good chance of walking again before surgery and physical therapy. Current models include extensive tests that may not be as conclusive. The new model was developed in the Netherlands and is based on many different studies and findings by experts in the area of spinal injury.

Components of this model include a patients’ age, range of current motor skills, and sensitivity to touch. Older tests, such as the AIS grading system, take much longer to perform and may not be as accurate. The researchers who compiled the information to create the new model claim specialists need to be experienced in performing physical examinations of those with spinal injuries in order to make a proper diagnosis using the components in the model. Many specialists in Staten Island and Westchester have the ability to perform these examinations and should be able to tell if a patient will be able to walk again.

This study about the new model was published in The Lancet. Many new studies are available at different times during the year and provide researchers around the world with new and useful information. Being able to predict quickly whether a patient will be able to walk again may prevent painful and unnecessary surgery or a grueling physical therapy regime that could cause additional injury. This may also lower medical care costs by allowing patients to leave the hospital earlier or reduce medications prescribed if additional surgery is not necessary to repair the spinal cord.

In addition to this new model, other advances in spinal injury care have been reported in journals such as PLoS One that include using human astrocytes to help speed up injury recovery by repairing nervous system injuries faster. Astrocytes are cells found in various parts of the body including the brain and spinal cord. These cells help the body repair itself after injury. Scientists have used animal astrocytes on animals and have seen good results.

Meet with a New York Spinal Injury Attorney today to discuss your legal options. A New York City Spinal Injury Attorney is there to ease your mind during these troubling times.

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