Articles Posted in Bronx

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In an accident at Disney World in 1983, a college student was paralyzed from the neck down. The young man (at the time) was set up to receive up to $42 million over the next 51 years in accordance with an out-of-court settlement reached with the family entertainment institution.

The 21-year-old senior music major from Mississippi Valley State College was reported as saying, “It came out more than I expected.”

The trombone player and other students from around the country were rehearsing for the opening ceremonies performance when a platform fell on him. The impact broke his neck and spinal cord, leaving him a quadriplegic.

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An electrical company based in Hertfordshire has been fined £120,000 after a man was knocked from a scissor lift and left paralyzed.

The attending HSE’s (Health and Safety Executive) Inspector said “The fine reflects the seriousness of the omissions by this company. Skanska Rashleigh Weatherfoil Ltd employed people to do highly hazardous work and yet failed to take the appropriate steps to ensure their safety.” The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) prosecuted Skanska Rashleigh Weatherfoil Ltd after the incident which happened on the 25 January 2007 at the Manor Royal Industrial Park in Crawley. Companies in the Bronx and Brooklyn are watching this case.

Lewes Crown Court was told that the company had been subcontracted to design and build the mechanical and electrical systems in a number of new buildings. A cable installer from Hartlepool was working in a scissor lift with two colleagues tying cables into overhead trays when they collapsed, knocking the man out of the lift and causing him to fall 8m to the floor below. According to a New York Spinal Injury Lawyer, the contractor suffered severe spinal injuries and is now paralyzed from the waist down.

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This is an interesting case, in that the young man, a teenage wrestler, bruised his spine while playing his sport. A court now wants to mandate that the boy have spinal surgery for cervical spine injury, reported the New York Spinal Injury Lawyer. His parents, and the boy, are saying they don’t want or need the surgery and they have a video tape to prove he is capable of moving quite well.

The reason the court feels it should mandate the surgery is that the boy’s parents refused the spinal operation for their son. That prompted officials in their county to take custody of the boy. Why? They stepped in and started acting like the boy’s natural parents, because the family is firm in their belief of the benefits of natural healing and herbal remedies. They feel that spinal surgery could cause their son more harm.

The mother took a video of her son in his hospital bed, which shows quite clearly that he has the ability to move all of his limbs separately, and has a decent range of motion. He appears to have full movement and the family doesn’t think he needs unnecessary surgery, which may cause paralysis. The boy himself also states he doesn’t want the operation.

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A plaintiff who was injured on the job was awarded only $10,000 for past pain and suffering and $7,000 for future pain and suffering. For some cases, this might be adequate, but for this one, it was unacceptably low. Luckily for the plaintiff, New York Spinal Injury Lawyers were on the case.

The plaintiff was carrying a 200-pound hot water circulating pump down a ship’s ladder of the rooftop engine room, when the other two helping him lost control of the bottom end of the pump. He had to hold it up all by himself to avoid it falling upon the men helping him and sustained back injuries that were likely permanent. The defendants maintained that it was not an accident that fell under labor laws, but New York Spinal Injury Lawyers were able to sway the jury in their favor. Attorneys in The Bronx and Brooklyn are keeping an eye on this case.

The story doesn’t end there, however. The final judgment was less than $20,000, despite the plaintiff’s injuries, which included a herniated disc. He required steroid injections and surgery, and still remains unable to lift heavy loads. Pain medication would be required for years, if not for life. NY Spinal Injury Lawyers determined a new trial was necessary, in which the plaintiff would be properly compensated — $175,000 for past pain and suffering and $125,000 for future pain and suffering.

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Rehabilitation after spine injury includes a great many aspects, New York Spinal Injury Lawyers note. The physical parts of the recovery process includes increasing the range of motion to all limbs and the trunk, first to prevent contracting muscles and control spasms. Strengthening all remaining active muscles is very important. Slip and Fall accidents are the cause of many of these conditions and facilities in The Bronx and Brooklyn are aware of this.

Sensory rehabilitation involves focusing upon motor control, but also awareness of space through movement. These are usually aimed to regaining control of the bowel and bladder, if at all possible. The muscles that control these functions often have to be retrained. Some individuals may even have difficulty maintaining breathing and may have to learn to breath involuntarily all over again from a respiratory therapist, according to NYC Spinal Injury Lawyers. These breathing exercises are extremely important to avoid respiratory complications such as pneumonia.

The changes that come about after traumatic spine injury may require the patient gain the support of a psychologist or psychiatrist. Even if the patient has been severely injured, employment is still a possibility, which will require the assistance of a vocational counselor. When sexual dysfunction occurs as the result of a spinal cord injury, a specific health care professional may be required to deal with that, as well.

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Doctors and New York Spinal Injury Lawyers recognize four major types of thoracic spine injuries: compression, burst, flexion-distraction, and fracture-dislocation.

Compression fractures are also known as wedge fractures. This is the most common type of thoracic spine fracture. When the spine is bent forward or backward at the time the injury occurs, the front or side of the vertebra is crushed by the force.

Burst fractures occur in a similar manner, except the entire vertebra is crushed, often causing splinters of bone to enter the spinal cord. Burst fractures rarely occur in the upper thoracic, high on the upper back, due to the curving shape of the region, but they do happen where the thoracic becomes the lumbar, or lower, section of the back, Injury Lawyers have discovered. Burst fractures often cause a loss of motor, sensory, and/or reflex function.

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Spinal cord injury, or SCI, can be classified as complete or incomplete, according to New York Spinal Injury Lawyers. A complete spinal cord injury is one that causes permanent paralysis. Incomplete means the injury has the potential of neurologic improvement. Almost half of all spinal cord injuries are complete, which means total loss of motor and sensory function at and below the level of the injury. In general, complete spinal cord injuries in the thoracic region of the spine (mid to upper back), result in paralysis of the lower extremities, or paraplegia.

Incomplete SCI has varied neurologic aspects. There are three major syndromes that occur with thoracic spine fractures, New York Spinal Injury Lawyers have discovered. These are anterior cord syndrome, Brown-Sequard syndrome, and central cord syndrome.

Anterior cord syndrome causes a loss of motor function and pain and/or a feeling of heat from injury to the front (anterior) or the spinal cord. The limbs are still fully functional because sensory input remains. Doctors in The Bronx and Manhattan have to treat these injuries with great care and attention.

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An employee of two bakers in Wellington was going about his usual rounds when the harness on the horse he was driving broke. The horse escaped and ran clear of the cart, and the employee was violently thrown to the ground. Sustaining a severe spinal injury, he suffered partial paralysis of his legs.

No one questioned the diagnosis of the attending physician. Officials involved in the case said the employee had no hope of recovery.

Directly before this verdict in this case, a compensation settlement of 303£ had been agreed upon, and parties for the bakery had been paying the man in weekly payments. This case asked the Court to order the payment of the balance to be paid in full. The Court judged in favor of the plaintiff and ordered the payment of the remaining 298£.

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A 9-year-old boy who was accidentally run over by his own father on a family day out was recently awarded compensation worth £8.1 million today. This is a record-setting amount for a court-approved award for a spinal injury, a New York Spinal Injury Lawyer says.

The boy will need lifelong care after suffering severe spinal and brain injuries in March of 2002 when he was just two-and-a-half years old.

The boy’s father did not see him when he reversed the car at Mead Open Farm, near Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. The father drove over his son.

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In an accident at Disney World in 183, a college student was paralyzed from the neck down. The young man (at the time) was set up to receive up to $42 million over the next 51 years in accordance with an out-of-court settlement reached with the family entertainment institution.

The 21-year-old senior music major from Mississippi Valley State College was reported as saying, “It came out more than I expected.”

The trombone player and other students from around the country were rehearsing for the opening ceremonies performance when a platform fell on him. The impact broke his neck and spinal cord, leaving him a quadriplegic.

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